
Howard wants to make quarrelling shock Hao Renke Hao Ren how can it be so easy to let go and lock Howard’s hands tightly? At the same time, it burns up hell’s black inflammation, which can burn the soul. The flame makes Howard taste the pain for the first time. Pa VV pa VV Howard was in a hurry and even solved two seals, which restored his strength to 30%. He wanted to shock Hao Ren at one stroke.

However, he underestimated Hao Ren’s strength because Hao Ren had reserved it from the beginning. He also underestimated Hao Ren’s tolerance of various joints, which seemed fragile. The lock was not divided because of his increase in quarrelling. He even underestimated that Hell Heiyan was overbearing and 100% of quarrelling was successful. Only two quarrelling roots were left to shake Hao Ren’s abnormal power.
Thick fighting armor Hao Ren, a pair of axe burning with infernal black inflammation, cracked continuously, and was forced to fight back with legs like Hao Ren’s method. But how could two people escape Hao Ren’s perception when they were so far away from him? At the same time, Hao Ren judged from his muscle reaction that Howard couldn’t lift his legs more than ten centimeters, let alone fight back. Howard could think about countermeasures while retreating.
Howard realized that he couldn’t retreat any more. Finally, he decided to release the broken star and free his hands. He wanted to solve Hao Renyin as soon as possible, and there was not much time left for him.
Fighting with all one’s strength, the broken star plunged into his hand, and the violent high-frequency vibration instantly caused both sides to have a slight pause at the same time. Howard seized the opportunity to let go of the mace and broken star and turned his wrist to break free from Hao Ren’s muzzle.
Pa, pa, pa, pa, another two crunchy seals. Howard uncovered two layers of seals and recovered 50% strength. He clenched his fists with both hands and tried his best to hit Hao Ren’s head, as if Howard would let go long ago. At the same time, Hao Ren also let go of his hands and fell to the ground by the broken star himself. Just now, two people grabbed a dead thing, and now the falling dust is also popular.
On the other hand, it is found that his blood is an excellent accelerant, but it may not be appropriate to say that it is an enemy accelerant. Of course, this combustion-supporting effect is still aimed at Hao Ren’s release of heilongjian for the time being. It is only because of heilongjian that Hao Ren’s blood can be ignited. When the two are combined, the burning power will be doubled.
When the blood fog wrapped Howard in consternation, Hao Ren also wore a flame coat. The surface of the light black flame and purple armor burned quietly. Hao Ren fit into Howard’s arms. What a stupid decision it was for Howard to let go of his hands for nothing at this moment, because our own hands also liberated Hao Ren’s hands.
When the fist with light black flame broke through the blood fog and Howard met his fist, Howard knew Hao Ren’s true purpose. Therefore, it represented the black inflammation of hell and the light black flame had burned him.
Strange black flame devours quarrelling crazily, weakening quarrelling armor layer by layer. This is still the worst news. Worse news is that this flame can actually burn the soul. The pain from the soul makes him feel miserable, which makes him first afraid of emotional loss. He is not afraid of his strong quarrelling, but a strong Asian god knows the terrible consequences of soul damage.
Not only that, it’s killing me. The flame is burning. He can clearly feel this enchantment. This flame burning becomes unstable.
Now that he has untied his five-layer seal, it is too dangerous for him. If the enchantment disappears, he will appear like a bright lighthouse in front of many powerful people in the mainland.
If you don’t say whether you can finish yourself or not, you may lose your life! So he must finish the battle before this damn flame destroys the boundary.
He’s not the only one who has this idea. Heiyan is overbearing and just advanced. Hao Renke can control the flame very limited, and he is in danger of flameout at any time.
Forbearance from the layout of the head and tail means that you can have close combat skills with Howard. Hao Ren has absolute confidence and plunges into Howard’s arms. Hao Ren instantly turns into a precise combat machine. His head, shoulders, elbows, hands, waist, legs, feet and even buttocks have become Hao Ren’s attack methods. Not only are the attack methods diverse, but the attack angles are also more bizarre than those of Hao Ren’s hands and feet. They often look out from an incredible angle as if they have no bones.
Howard is very humbled to have a stunning repair, but he can’t get too close with a strange order guy. Many powerful moves make the strange flame and the whole set of Antagonist shredders almost offset his advantage of fighting, and to tell the truth, Howard is also very impressed with Hao Ren’s skills, which can tap his physical potential to such an extent that he has only seen it in his life.
Of course, at the same time, it also expresses extreme contempt for Hao Ren’s attack position! Eyes, bridge of nose, Adam’s apple, armpit of the back of the head, bent legs, ribs and toes are the most commonly greeted.
Every attack on Hao Ren makes the inch crack skill. Although most of the strength is absorbed by the fighting armor, some of it has invaded Howard’s viscera. It turns out that the inferno is dirty, even the sub-God inferno is only a little better than ordinary people.
Hao Ren, a bone-crushing hand, created his own system to attack the weaknesses of all parts of the body. The combination of loose hands and inch cracks can cause very serious damage to the dirty, and it can be called a storm to continuously hit Howard’s mouth and bleed.
Since Hao Ren successfully invaded Howard’s arms, Hao Ren has never let Howard master his own body center of gravity. All kinds of skills make Howard tired. He can passively increase the thickness of quarrelling armor to defend Hao Ren’s attack.
Howard, his opponent, can instantly kill him with his strong quarrelling and higher-level perception of quarrelling and energy. However, the combination of Hellfire and Antagonist Crusher gives Hao Ren enough information to threaten Howard, and Howard is now in a state of decent counterattack.
At that time, Hao Ren is running out, the black horse in hell is running out, and Howard’s enchantment will be broken. We can’t wait! This sentence two people heart rings at the same time! Duke Howard beat us to it this time.
"Storm" belongs to the unique skills of the strong people in the sub-God order. With its high energy, it is beneficial to smash and create cracks with its own energy, and it can also be regarded as a powerful blade group!
Howard’s personal melee Hao Ren’s tendency to fight against Howard is ten points, so it’s impossible for a master to play the cards without one or two tricks.
Suddenly, Howard was full of quarrelling, and suddenly, a strong sense of crisis touched Hao Ren’s nerve flash! ! ! Hao Ren’s body has already stepped forward to think first.
But will it be so easy for a strong Asian god to save his life? Before Hao Ren flashed out of the attack range, the "storm" appeared in front of everyone
First of all, it is still burning. Black inflammation in hell has just entered the realm of black inflammation. The root of black inflammation in hell is not enough to fight against it. This "storm" has been extinguished almost instantly. Hao Ren has been controlling the flame with his spirit. The sea has once again set off a stormy wave, and his spirit has been seriously damaged. Hao Renjue has a splitting headache when Venus flashes all over the sky.
However, the "storm" didn’t mean to let him go. The Aetna Crusher also finished defending against the storm. In this way, Hao Renshen created hundreds of wounds in an instant, making Hao Ren look like a squirrel carp with a changed knife now.
It was all done in a quarter of a second. In a blink of an eye, it seemed that Hao Ren was turned into a squirrel by Howard. Hao Ren, a carp, retreated with great strength, which made his body lose his intuition and then flew nearly 20 meters away.
Watching dad fly far away, Betty’s small universe exploded violently in ancient times and earned Caesar’s hands to pounce on it. Hao Ren Rodriguez didn’t stop her this time because he had once again sacrificed the killer weapon to dissociate the rays.
After Howard cast "Storm", instead of Ma Chong, he took out a scroll from the ring and tore it gently and slowly.
Chapter DiYiWu Diamond Stars Boxing debut
Howard moves slowly and gently. He slowly takes out a scroll from the ring and carefully tears it. It’s like taking off the bride’s wedding dress in the bridal chamber.
Slightly twitching eyes and shaking hands still reveal his actual situation and are as relaxed as he shows.
Magic requires far more magic than other magic, and offensive magic is the most "storm". This magic is a heavy burden even for Howard in his prime.
The more powerful the skill, the greater the load on itself. This is a practice of quarrelling. All practitioners know the common sense. Knowing the five-layer seal, Howard obviously didn’t expect that Heiyan consumed quarrelling so quickly. By the time he tried to fight hard, his body had consumed most of it. Although he finally successfully cast the "storm", now his body is on the verge of collapse.
